As Compared to WEP WiFi Hacking as explained on our previous tutorial, WPA/WPA2 is quite difficult and time consuming because of its Security. Cracking the password sometimes depends on your luck and success is not guaranteed. ..:: How to launch a Dictionary Attack on WPA Handshake ::.. You might get lucky and your nearest WiFi password may be based on a common dictionary word or number sequence. In such a case, you may succeed with a dictionary attack. Step 1: Enable monitor mode on wireless interface #airmon-ng start wlan0 This will start the monitor mode. Step 2: Take note of the nearest WiFi networks. #airodump-ng mon0 Step 3: Take note of the channel of your target network, dump packets from that channel and save them to a local capture file. #airodump-ng -c6 mon0 -w capture_file Step 4: Wait for WPA handshake capture At this point, you can use 'aireplay-ng' to de-authenticate an associated legitimate client from the network. The point