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Showing posts with the label Phishing

List of Free File Hosting Sites

Most peoples normally wanted to host their own html, php and several other formatted file but they don't know where to host files. So we are here with the list of Several File hosting Websites which people can also use either for hosting their webpage or experimenting with the Phishing Method . FREE HOSTING WEBSITES : 110mb Byethehost Freehostia Awardspace PHPNet ProHosts 000webhost AtSpace Further if you know any more free hosting websites then comment below we will add it on the list. Happy Learning. :D

Facebook Hack ( using Phishing )

Step 1 :  Create An Account on any Free Webhosting Site like  or Step 2: Now , Download Facebook Phishing Files from here :  Link : Password : amar121 After Downloading the Facebook Phishing Files.rar ,exract its contents.You'll get the three files. Now Upload the three files to your  or any other webhosting site. Now here's the most IMPORTANT step--->Sending the link of the Fake page to your victim via email. 1.) Now Click on the INDEX.HTML file that you have uploaded on . A Facebook Fake page will open.You can easily recognize its fake by looking at the URL in the address bar(Fake pages do not contain HTTP) 2.) Copy the Address of the fake page from the Address bar. 3.) Now Go to --->  , a GOOGLE URL SHORTNER will open. 4.) Paste the link Of your Facebook Fake page there and now it'll