Hey Geeks, Hope you are having a great day. Lets come to one of our interesting section i.e Powershell >_ Tip of the Day. Ever wondered if you have some unsaved data in Powershell ISE and ISE process get stopped suddenly either it is through system shutdown or any other means. WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR UNSAVED DATA?? Once you open ISE you might see that old unsaved data as (untitled*.ps1(Recovered)), But from where did it came. So the answer is here, its the same way Sticky notes saves the unsaved data. Powershell stores it in the below path : $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft_Corporation\PowerShell_ISE.exe_StrongName_lw2v3wmtzzpebq33gybmeoxukb04w\\AutoSaveFiles\ If you already knew this then its great, if not hope you learned something new! Share your thoughts by commenting below. :)