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How to get the list of WiFi Passwords stored on your computer using Powershell

Hi Geeks, Today we are going to see how to fetch the list of SSID passwords which are stored on your computer. Although through GUI, we can view the same by checking Wireless Network Properties --> Network Security Key. But today we are going to see how to fetch all the list at once using Powershell instead of checking them individually one by one. So let's get Started : 1. Copy the below Powershell script 2. Execute the powershell Function Get-WiFiPass Hope you all liked this post, do share and comment for any queries. Script Credits :

How to use git in windows

1. Download GIT package for windows . Click Here 2. Once downloaded install the package as given below : 3. Once installation is complete, you can open git by using Git cmd, Powershell or Command Prompt. 4. Now we have to Clone our Git Repo from GIT Bucket, GitHub, GitLab etc. I have my repo in Github so lets see how to clone it from Github. 5. Login to your github account, you will see the clone url to clone the git repo. It would be something like :<Username>/<Repository Name>.git 6. Once you got the URL.Open git cmd or powershell, and give the command as shown below : git clone<Username>/<Repository Name>.git 7. Now you can see that Git Folder got created on the specified directory. so we are done, now simply put you scripts and push them to the Central git repository. 8. Some useful git commands : git status git add git pull git commit git push git remote git log git fetch Any

How to get SID of all Domain Users using PowerShell

Hey All, Today we are going to cover an interesting topic to fetch SID of all domain users. What is SID ? SID (Security Identifier ) is an unique id or value assigned to each and every domain object. Each domain object whether its a Group, User account , Computer , OU is assigned with an unique id in order to get identified by a Domain controller. All these SID's are stored in a Security Database. It looks like  S-1-5-32-545 etc. NOTE :   Domain Controller identifies object with their SID and not with the name. In order to understand this concept, open any box which is in Domain and go to any Folder properties , in Security tab you will observe it will show SID something like  S-1-5-32-545  and then it tries to convert it to name. So Lets Begin There are several ways to find the list of SSID's , I will be covering the easiest ones. 1. To get the list of all the domain users and their SSID Get-WmiObject win32_account | Select FullName,Name,SID,Description |

Use Powershell to Read daily news or get Live Sports updates

Hey guys, today we are going to learn how to get news updates using Powershell. For this we will be using API's provided by  . Through this method we can get news update from CNN, Times of India, ESPN, TechCrunch, The Huffington Post and much more. Steps : 1. Open the url 2. In order to get you own API key you will need to register on the website, to do so click on "Get API Key" present in the Homepage and register. 3. Once you have registered , you will get an API key, don't share the same with anyone. 4. Next, visit  and select the source from where you want to get the news update. We choose "Times of India" 5. Once done, switch to Powershell ISE , and input the below commands : 6. Save it and Execute, you will get the news update instantly. Further this can used to get LIVE Scores and much more. Hope you all liked it. Do share and Comment if any queries.

How-To Surf anonymously using a Proxy browser

Hey all, Previously if you have gone through my blogs, you might have come across several ways to browse anonymous, today we are going to learn the fastest way to do so using a proxy browser. Most often i use this to fetch data which are blocked by my office web protection or any enterprise url blocker like Sophos etc. so lets begin : Step 1: Open the website -- Step 2: Type the website name you wanted to surf anonymously Step 3: The best part is that you can even Encrypt the complete page, so give a try Note : This website helps you to access blocked content in the best possible way, although for complete anonymity you should use TOR.

How Invoke-Command works

To know how Invoke-Command works remotely check the below image : Apart from this, lets talk more about Invoke-Command. If you run invoke-command locally will this DeSerialization, conversion to XML etc will happen? the answer is NO. Since you are running it locally all this process are not performed. Further a Deserialized object Type i.e. the data fetched remotely through invoke-command contains only few methods as shown in the below image. Hence suppose you are fetching service info using invoke-command remotely and storing the output in a variable, you won’t get methods to Start or Stop the service. Example : $Service = Invoke-Command -Cn “Test” -ScriptBlock {get-service bits} $Service will show the process details, but you can’t perfom $Service.Stop() or $Service.Start() since its the deserialized data. But you can perform like this : $Service = Invoke-Command -Cn “Test” -ScriptBlock {get-service bits | Stop-Service} This will do the task you are lo

Simplest way to create a log file with Date and Time using PERL

Hi, today em gonna show the simplest way to create log files and add date and time to it so that we can know which event occurred at what point of time. So lets begin. Fetching and Storing Date and Time : use POSIX qw(strftime); my $now = strftime(‘%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S’,localtime); Creating Log File : open ($Log,”+>>”,”/home/amar/MyApplication.log”); Printing contents to Log File : print $Log (“$now ******[START OF SCRIPT : DATABASE CHECK]*******\n”); Full Script : This is the simplest way to create a Logger file in Perl. Hope you all enjoyed the post. Do like and Share for more.