Today we are going to learn how to fix route issues on Linux. Suppose you have 2 NIC interface (one is for public traffic - 100 GBPS Link and other one in Private interface for private communication 10 GBPS Link ). What is the exact issue ? Initially our customers reported that they were unable to reach internet on the box (They tried performing ping -or- ping It was not working via both IP and domain name even tried with browser. So lets begin the troubleshooting : Step 1 : Replicate the issue from your side, because we need to be 100% sure before deep diving. Step 2 : We were able to replicate the same. It was 100% packet loss. So now we need to check if the public interface is up and running or not . Our public interface is eth1 so run command : ip a This will show you if interface is UP / Down. Eth1 was up and running here. Step 3 : Next I was interested to see how is the traffic going out - is it crossing any single hop or not , whether Gateway is reachable